Products / Water
EWO Scale deposits
Scale deposits degrades household equipments and process plants causing increasing power consumption and corrosioin. The EWO water activation devices prevents the grow of scale deposits and causing existing scale to be dissolved without chemical agents.
In areas with hard water supplies the scale deposit problem is omnipresent. Returning scale deposits causing expensive maintenance and often results in repairs.
Boiler scale with 4 mm thickness on heating coils results in 30% more energy consumption. Concerned are all kind of sanitary fittings, boilers, hot beverage vending machines, washing machines and dishwashers, piping systems in housholds and industry.
EWO devices guarantees best possible economic and ecological performances to protect expensive installations and keep them running at full efficency.
This gentle technology works in all applications without chemical agents and electric power. EWO devices are an enviromental state of the art treatment technology.